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5 Fun-Filled Easter Activities for Kids

The Easter bunny’s been and all the goodies have been devoured. What’s next? From egg hunts to crafting their own bunny ears, we’ve got some easy and fun ideas to keep children entertained and let them burn off some of their chocolate-fueled energy this Easter.


Egg rolling

Once those eggs are looking tip top, it’s time to take them for a spin. Venture out to the garden or a local park to get the competition started – somewhere hilly is ideal. Whoever can roll their egg furthest without cracking the shell is the winner. Plus, the kids will love being allowed to play with their food for a change.


Chocolate egg nests

It’s a day for sweet stuff, so let kids indulge by teaching them to make their own chocolate Easter nests. Dip some Corn Flakes or Shredded Wheat into melted chocolate, before leaving it to set into a nest shape. (If they can’t wait, now’s good time to distract them with egg painting). Kids can pop some mini chocolate eggs in there, or make a temporary home for a fluffy Easter chick decoration, before gobbling them all up.



Egg decorating

A carton of eggs, some paints, stickers and glitter is all you need to get your little one’s imagination flowing. Painting hard-boiled eggs is an easy and much-loved Easter tradition for crafty kids. Add some washi tape for the ultimate flair, or swirl some nail polish in water before dipping in the eggs for a tie-dyed, hippie vibe. Work together to make the whole family their own egg counterparts for some egg-stra family bonding fun?

Make some bunny ears

Easter bonnets are old hat, so it’s all about the bunny ears in 2018. An old hairband, or even a strip of cardboard, works as a base, and then carefully cutting ear shapes from cardboard and decorating them. Pink, grey or white felt will do – but why not throw in some colour clashes for a unique twist? Add to this, enough cotton wool to make them authentically fuzzy and your little bunnies will be ready for anything.


Create an Easter egg hunt at home

Make them work for their treats with an Easter egg hunt. If you can rope a friend or neighbour into helping you host, this is a great way for little ones to round off the afternoon and have fun with their friends. Younger kids will be happy to be let loose to wreak their own hunting havoc, while you can give older children a bit of a brain workout too: one clue to start can lead to a treasure hunt with a sweet reward at the end, made even more delicious because they’ll have earnt them.


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