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New Year Detox with Jason Vale

New year health kicks don’t have to mean skimping on your favourite sweet treats. For the third part of our well-being series, juice master Jason Vale shows us how to make the chocolate and orange power blend, a tasty, zero-guilt treat that will sweeten up your January detox.

This chocolatey glass of goodness is made with cocoa powder, packed with minerals including copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, as well iron and calcium. A spoonful of Manuka honey offsets its bitterness, while the butterscotch tones of maca boost the flavour to perfection. Maca also provides extra vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential amino acids, including calcium, zinc, magnesium and iron, which helps restore red blood cells.


Ingredients (Serves 1)

Oranges, 2 (peeled, white pith left on)
Banana, 1 (ripe)
Cocoa powder, 1 heaped tsp
Maca powder, 1 tsp
Manuka honey, 1 tsp
Ice,  1 small handful

Juice the oranges and pour into a blender, followed by the banana, cocoa powder, maca powder, manuka honey and ice.

Blend until smooth.