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Create Your Festive Table: Floral Centrepiece with Willow Crossley


We know this Christmas feels a bit different than those that have come before. So, we’ve got together with some extremely talented creatives to make it feel a little more special. The first, floral centrepieces! We spoke to Willow Crossley about how to create a festive floral centrepiece that will make everyone who you can share Christmas with smile.



We’ve also made a note of everything you need from this video to bring it to life at home. We’d love to see your centrepieces too, so please share what you make on social and tag us in #mymonsoon



How to:

Start by conditioning your flowers. Cut the bottom of the stem on an angle, remove any foliage and then give them a good drink before you start arranging.

The number of stems you need per vase will depend on the size of your vases but keep in mind that they want to be one and a half times the height of the vase.

Keep the water topped up and fresh. Keep out of direct sunlight and extreme heat.

When you arrange them down the table, don’t put them in poker straight lines. Jiggle them about so they feel relaxed. Think about adding colourful candles to add colour and height.

For more colour, tying up your napkins with bright ribbons is lovely and finished the table off beautifully.

Enjoy your table!



We’ve got loads more to come! Take a look at our dedicated events blog to complete your festive table here >