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Create Your Festive Table: Table Menu and Name Place Settings with Romeo & Jules


This week we are adding to our festive table with Romeo & Jules. If you’ve been admiring the graphics from our last two posts, you can now download them yourself! The perfect way to add a personal touch to your table, Jennifer from Romeo & Jules takes us through how to get your table menu and name place cards ready for Christmas day.



We’ve also made notes below, so you can bring this to life at home with an easy how-to guide. We’d love to see your centrepieces too, so please share what you make on social and tag us in #mymonsoon



How to:

Start warming up your hand by drawing loose scribbles and loopy doodles on a spare piece of paper. I find this wakes up my hand and allows more free-flowing letterforms.

Print out the menu/place cards and trim to size.

Decide on your menu and have to hand. Determine the length of the dishes against the free space on the menu to allow enough space.

Start scribing! Don’t worry about making the menu look perfect as I believe the more of your personal style on show, the better. And if there are any mistakes, print off more menus and have another go. Have fun with it.

Show off your handiwork on your set table. Enjoy!

Download menus >

Download name place cards >



We’ve got more to come! Take a look at our dedicated events blog to complete your festive table here >