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Easter At Home with Monsoon: Print Your Own Table Runner with Molly Mahon


Get ready to gather around your table this Easter with a spring-inspired table runner you can make yourself – with a little help from Molly Mahon. She has put together a step-by-step guide on how to create your own, for making your spring meals extra special this season.



Molly also created a very handy pack with all the instructions from this video to bring it to life at home, keep scrolling to download. We’d love to see your creations too, so please share what you make on social and tag us in #mymonsoon



How to:

Look in the garden for flowers or leaves to inspire you, the simplest designs work so well with a potato. Sketch your design on paper and once you are happy with it trace it onto tracing paper.


Now start transferring your design from the tracing paper to the potato by pressing firmly with your pencil onto your potato to leave an indentation.  You can go over this with a felt tip to make it clearer for carving.


Slice your potato down the centre to give you a nice flat space to start transferring your design to.


Start by slicing the edges of the potato and then following your lines with a 1cm cut, remove the bits of potato that are not to be printed.



Using the brush or stippler, dab an even layer of paint all over the potato ready to practice on paper first. Be confident to where you are going to position your block, commit and press.


Carefully but confidently lift the potato, et voila! You are off. Remember to reload your block between every print.


Carry on printing your runner until it is finished and leave it somewhere warm to dry. Once dry, use an iron on a non-steam setting to set your fabric paint.



Download Molly’s guide here and get ready for more to come! Take a look at our dedicated blog to complete your Easter table here >