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Feast for the eyes: Harvest moon recipes

It’s that time of year again, when the nights draw closer, the days shorten, and we can’t wait to hunker down and get cosy. Autumn Equinox, 22nd September (when the sun crosses the celestial equator and equally illuminates both hemispheres) marks the beginning of the season, and soon after that, comes the harvest moon. Historically, the harvest moon allowed farmers to work on their crops and harvest later into the night. Making the most of the moonlight and harvesting more delicious crops ready for selling, cooking and creating wholesome recipes to see them through the season.  

While we may not all have our own crops growing in the garden, we can still create warming, delicious and nutritious feasts to see us through the shift in seasons.  

With foods such as squash, chillies, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, apples, pears and plums all in season in autumn in the UK, these recipes are the perfect fit for your harvest moon feasting.

[Recipes taken from BBC Good Food].  

Here’s our top of the crops:  

Cream of the crop soup – Whether you prefer it as a starter, a light lunch or for your dinner, enjoy this creamy, warm and earthy soup that’s SOUPer for sipping (or dishing up in this printed bowl).

Sumptuous salad –  Salads don’t have to be just for summer – why not mix things up with this autumn veggie salad? Filled with flavour and goodness, just make sure you leave room for dessert.  

Serving suggestion: with these mottled serving fork and spoon.

Veggie winter warmer – We all love a classic, especially when it’s this tasty and filling; perfect for group dinners, meal prep, or date night. Why not also dress up…your table? Try out date night this embroidered runner number.

Crunchy humble crumble This is one of those easy peasy, ‘chuck it all in the dish and enjoy the fruits of your labour later’ recipes. It’s filled with flavour, it’s warm, sweet and comforting – ideal for a cold, autumn weekend.  Level up your dessert and light some candles in these holders.

Magical mulled wine – Save it for after, before or even during dinner – this recipe is ideal for throwing into the slow cooker and enjoying after a wholesome walk in the forest. Too good to save until Christmas… 

Add some glam by serving on these beaded coasters.

These are just a few ways to make the most of those delicious harvest moon foods and stay well fed and watered as the colder months draw in.  

Happy feasting!