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New Year Detox with Jason Vale

Need some healthy eating inspiration? For the second part of our well-being series, juice master Jason Vale has mixed up another deliciously nutritious recipe for us;  the goji berry, blueberry and coconut power blend. Packed with antioxidants, this refreshing concoction is sure to awaken your senses and get you energised for those morning work-outs.  

Goji, Blueberry & Coconut Power Blend


Ingredients (Serves 1)

Goji Berries  10g
Blueberries   20g
Coconut Water 350ml
Banana    1/4 (ripe)
Ice  1 small handful



No juicer is needed for this beauty, just its sidekick the blender.
Simply place all ingredients into the blender, whiz until smooth and then pour into a glass over ice (sip slowly as you’ll want to make this one last!).



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