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Halloween Baking Ideas for Kids with Mummy Daddy Me

Looking for fun Halloween baking ideas for kids? We asked Katie, parenting blogger at Mummy Daddy Me, to show us how to make wickedly tasty treats for the spookiest season of the year. From creepy cupcakes to bone-chilling biscuits, these spook-tacular bakes are quick and easy to make – and we think they’re sure to be a hit with little monsters.  


Katie says: Whenever we are having a lazy day at home and I ask my girls what they’d like to do, they always say baking. Yes it’s messy and by the end of it the kitchen – and all of us! – are generally covered in flour, icing sugar or butter, but it’s great fun. They love getting messy, baking up a storm and then of course licking the bowl afterwards. And with Halloween just around the corner, we decided to do some spooky baking one rainy Sunday afternoon.

Witches Hat Cupcakes


110g/4oz butter or margarine
2 free-range eggs, lightly beaten
110g/4oz caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
110g/4oz self-raising flour
1-2 tbsp milk

For the buttercream icing:

140g/5oz butter, softened
280g/10oz icing sugar
1-2 tbsp milk
a few drops of food colouring (optional)

For the decorations:

3D sugar witch hats (available online)




1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. To make the cupcakes, add the butter, sugar and eggs in a bowl, followed by the vanilla extract. Next, add the flour with a little milk so that the mixture is of a dropping consistency.

3. Spoon the mixture into cupcake cases and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes until golden brown on top. Leave to cool.

4. To make the icing, beat the butter and sugar in a bowl till soft. Then add the milk, until the consistency is nice and creamy. For extra spookiness, mix in a few splashes of food colouring!

5. Next, pop the icing into a piping bag and swirl them onto your cupcakes.

6. Decorate each cupcake with a 3D sugar witch hat.


Witches Hat Biscuits


500g butter, softened
200g caster sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
500g plain flour

For the decorations:

Ready-to-roll black icing
White icing pen
Witch hat cookie cutter or stencil (print out online)



1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. To make the biscuits, stir the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the vanilla, flour and mix well.

3. Use the cookie cutter or stencil to cut the biscuit dough into witches hats.

4. Place the biscuits on a baking tray and bake for 12-15 minutes. Leave to cool.

5. To make the icing, use the cookie cutter or stencil to cut the icing into witches hats. Add to the top of each biscuit.

6. Use the white icing pen to add an outline and extra details to each of the hats.


More Halloween ideas for children

Halloween Spider Cookies with Make, Do & Push!

Halloween Glitter Slime with Make, Do & Push!