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Melted Snowman Biscuits with Not Another Mummy Blog

Need to fill an afternoon with a fun, festive project for the kids? Find out how to make these quick and easy melted snowman biscuits with Alison Perry, magazine editor and blogger at Not Another Mummy Blog.



Alison says: “My seven-year-old loves baking but me on the other hand? My baking skills stretch as far as crispy chocolate cornflake cakes and basic fairy cakes. So this melted snowman biscuits recipe is right up my street because it involves zero baking! Perfect for a frosty December weekend when you need to keep your little ones busy and your sanity in tact…”




(Makes six melted snowman biscuits)

6 digestive biscuits

6 white marshmallows

Black icing pen

Chocolate beans

White icing



1. Spread white icing onto each biscuit.

2. Draw snowman faces on each marshmallow with the black icing pen.

3. Add an orange or red bean for each of their noses.

4. Place one marshmallow on top of each biscuit. 

5. Place two or three chocolate beans (for buttons!) on the icing.

6. Serve with a large pot of tea (hot chocolate for the kiddos) and a festive movie under a cosy blanket!

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