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New Year Detox with Jason Vale

Happy new year! To celebrate the upcoming launch of Luna, the brand new leisurewear range at Monsoon, we’ve teamed up with best-selling author and juice master Jason Vale to create our first ever well-being series. This month, Jason will be showing us how to make tasty and nutritious juices and recipes, as well as sharing his expert tips. To kick things off, Jason has blended up the lime green smoothie, packed with fresh, antioxidising ingredients to jumpstart your healthy eating regime.

Lime Green Smoothie


Ingredients (Serves 1)

1 medium cucumber
1 lime (peeled)
2 cm chunk of ginger root
1 handful of spinach
1/2 medium avocado
1 small handful of ice cubes


Peel the lime, leaving as much of the white pith as you can.
Simply juice the cucumber, lime, ginger and spinach.
If using a centrifugal juicer, make sure you pack the spinach tightly into the chute to ensure you extract the most juice.
Pour the fresh juice into the blender.
Add the ice and the avocado and blend until smooth.



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