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Perfect Pancake Recipe for Kids

Pancake Day is made for kids: the recipes are simple, the cooking is simple, and the results are super tasty. That said, we’ve all had a pancake disaster (or three) so here’s your guide to making perfect, fluffy pancakes, flipping them just right and choosing those all-important toppings.


If you’re making classic thin pancakes, here’s what you need:

  • 100g plain flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 300ml milk
  • 1 tbsp of oil
  • A pinch of salt

If you want to whip up a thick stack of pancakes, you’ll need a raising agent. Swap plain flour for self-raising flour or add a teaspoon of baking powder into the mix.



1. Whether you’re making thick or thin pancakes, it’s as simple as mixing all your ingredients in a big bowl. Ask your little kitchen helpers to whisk it all together and watch as it turns into lovely, smooth batter.

2. Once it’s mixed, add a dash of oil to a crepe pan or frying pan and heat (a job for the adults) at a medium temperature.

3. When the pan is ready, ladle two lots of the batter into the pan. Little ones can stand on a step or a sturdy chair to reach the bowl and the pan safely. Tip it around from side to side to coat the pan and leave it for just one or two minutes.

4. Daring to flip? Firstly, little hands should never reach up to a kitchen top or hob – bring them up to your level with a step. Then it’s both hands around the handle and a quick (but not too enthusiastic!) upwards motion to flip the pancake. It’s always a good idea to keep your hands on the pan too for the first few goes and, if you’re worried about sticking, just run a spatula under the pancake first. A few goes and they’ll be pancake flipping experts in no time.

For the toppings

With the pancakes made, it’s time to choose the toppings. Let the kids get creative and set up a make-your-own station with bowls of different treats to choose from: lemon wedges, banana slices, berries, sprinkles and chocolate chips will all go down a treat. A final drizzle of syrup and they’re ready to enjoy!


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