India is amid a humanitarian crisis and they need our support.
On Saturday 8th May, Monsoon and Accessorize will be donating 10% of all UK online sales to the British Asian Trust’s ‘Oxygen for India’ Emergency Appeal.
Having been born there, our brands have built a unique bond with India and its communities over the past four decades. We continue to hold close relationships with the country and its heritage, and to this day it continues to be where many of our products are crafted by our artisan partners.
It is heart-breaking to see what is happening there, and we want to support as best as we can.
“British Asian Trust’s ‘Oxygen for India’ emergency appeal will raise funds for oxygen concentrators, and together with local partners in India, will rapidly deploy them to the hospitals and patients that need them most. Having consulted with the Indian and UK governments, the British Asian Trust’s advisors and programme partners in India have outlined a package of support that will compliment what industry, government and other charities are doing to help. All funds raised by the ‘Oxygen for India’ emergency appeal will go towards providing as many oxygen concentrators to hospitals as quickly as possible. Oxygen concentrators are alternate devices to oxygen cylinders – while cylinders contain a finite amount of oxygen supply, a concentrator continually recycles oxygen from the air and delivers it to the patient.
A donation of £50 will provide oxygen for 40 patients struggling to breathe, £450 will provide low-flow oxygen concentrator to help 900 patients and an £830 donation will provide high-flow oxygen concentrator to help 550 of the most seriously ill patients.” British Asian Trust
If you’d like to read more about British Asian Trust’s mission, or support their endeavours with a personal donation, click here.
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