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Star Garland Christmas Decorations with Not Another Mummy Blog

Looking for a child-friendly DIY crafting idea for the festive season? Discover how to make a star garland Christmas decoration with Alison Perry, magazine editor and blogger at Not Another Mummy Blog.



Alison says: “As much as it’s great to have a super-stylish Christmas tree with gorgeous decorations, it’s so lovely to make decorations with your kids and bring them out year after year. Those homemade decorations might not look sleek or fit in with your theme, but they hold special memories – and isn’t that what Christmas is all about? These salt dough star garlands are fun to make, and better still, they’re so easy, you can get children involved at every stage.”


You will need:

(Adult supervision required at all times)

140g plain flour
140g salt
100ml warm water
Star-shaped cookie butters
Permanent markers
Some twine or ribbon



1. Heat the oven to 100°C.

2. Put all of the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix together.

3. Start adding the warm water very slowly, stirring as you go. Remember, less is more – the dough will be easier to work with the less water you add!

4. When the dough is firm but not sticky, roll it out on a flour covered surface. Cut star shapes, make a hole with skewer and place them on a baking tray

5. Pop them in the oven for three hours, turning occasionally. Allow the shapes to air dry for at least another 24-48 hours


6. Decorate with marker pens. Then, thread twine through the holes to make a garland.

I love how haphazard our stars are – my seven-year-old had so much fun making this, and I know it will be hung up year after year.


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