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World Wellbeing Week: Yoga Stretches with Charlie Taylor


This World Wellbeing Week we spoke to Yoga Teacher, Charlie Taylor, to bring you a yoga workout made to clear your mind and help you relax with morning stretches. You can watch the video here via YouTube or on our Instagram page.



We also spoke to Charlie about why she loves yoga so much and asked for some top tips for beginners…


What made you want to start yoga and what made you fall in love with it?

I started doing yoga about 15 years ago, it was nothing fancy just short classes at my local virgin gym. Then I embarked on a Pilates and meditation retreat in France and it completely changed my life! I came back looking to find a Pilates class I could go to, as I’d really enjoyed it while away, but in trying to find that I happened to accidentally stumble upon Yin yoga. It was a style of yoga I’d never done before and it literally was what changed it all for me. I began taking private yin classes every week with a fantastic teacher, joined a local yoga studio and practiced all types of yoga every day. I absolutely loved how it made me feel, not just physically but also emotionally and mentally. It was literally medicine for me. From there I took on more yang styles and eventually decided I wanted to teach this full time as my job so I took off on training and haven’t looked back since ?? I love my job – I wouldn’t change it for the world.


For those starting out at yoga, do you have any top tips?

For those just starting out in yoga, I would say, try a few different things. There are lots of different styles of yoga out there and there are lots of different teachers that all bring something unique. Find what works for you, no one shoe fits all. Also to not get disheartened, or rush, or compare …all is coming if you give it time. Listen to your body and go with what feels right for you in that moment.


What is your favourite yoga position (if you can pick just one!)?

Oooh tough question but if I had to pick my fave pose it would probably have to be child’s pose. It’s such a nourishing pose, in both yin and yang styles.


Feeling inspired? We have your second session with Charlie waiting for you…